Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Once Again a Change...

We have been working for Mini U Storage for the last 4 months. Even though the company is nice and I like the people we answer to we were still tossing around the idea of leaving them and going back to traditional workamping. No sooner had we decided when our HR person, Christina, called to say that they had a resident position available in Colorado! Most of our kids and grand kids are in Colorado so we had told her that if something became available there to let us know....and she did. Oh my gosh, another decision!

We decided to go ahead and take the position and these are our reasons why. The pay is adequate (though we just found out that we don't get quite as much as we thought) and all the other reasons are there; close to the kids, a chance to clear out of the motorhome and doing some remodeling and several others. Hey, I get a Christmas tree for the first time in 7 years!! I already told the kids Thanksgiving at my house!

Time will tell how long we are here, I hate to make proclamations because sure as heck, the fickle finger of fate (as my Dad called it) will change things up but you just never know. As many have said before, hitch itch will set in at some time!

I'll keep you posted how things progress. We haven't stopped, we are just sitting longer than normal.